Last Saturday, Imogen managed to pass her Kennel Club Good Citizens Bronze Test! This was amazing, because although she is fairly obedient, I cannot get her to walk to heal. We were asked to do that exercise twice!! But phew, she passed. Little Fleur, has Bronze and Silver but failed her Gold three years ago and I haven't tried to resit it with her, to be honest, she became totally bored with puppy school. It happens.
Imogen on the other hand is a bit of a dafty and really enjoys puppy school, but next week is the last class for the summer. Anne is running field trail training which I think I'll enroll Imogen for. She really enjoys the classes and is stimulated by them, so much so that she comes home on a complete high, buzzing for about an hour, jumping over the furniture, whizzing round the dinning room table etc, etc. Fleur & I just keep well out of the way until she drops from exhaustion!
That's the plan ....
1 comment:
Ahww ,, your pooches are SOO adorable
i wan to imagine myself with imogen // iws she the wittle wun or the big wun ? .. i awould think its the biig one ..; and am i guessing right that the little one name begins with an "f" , yea , she looks like and"f" beginning name // ill almost go as far as saying she looks like a "f" "l" "e" "u" "r" ? Mb .. i dont know .. kjust a wild guess !! ..
+ dont forget thee wee man and the OTHER wee man whose weeer than the wee man but still called the wee man bcoz hes quite wee in his wee size with wee legs and al those wee brain cells, wow theres alot of wee "wee" word in theat wee + paragraph !
#so im going now ! .. bye
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