Thursday, 15 March 2007

Here is a picture taken on Sunday night of Coriander, my Irish Draught horse. I know she is caked in mud, and it took a bit of time to clean her up.

I turned her out on her own yesterday, whilst Ruth was stabled waiting for the vet to arrive. This big edjit worked herself into a terrible tizzy all day because she was on her own, churning up the mud by the gate and calling like a foghorn. She probably has a very sore throat this morning! Today she is out with Ruth and the panic of yesterday is over.

The vet arrived late in the afternoon to give Ruth her Tetenus booster and check her over to see that all was well.

He reckoned that the foal has moved round into position, which could explain Ruth's behaviour on Sunday night when she started stamping her hind legs as if irritated. He also thought that the foal will be born sooner than I had anticipated!

I checked Ruth again this morning, I notaced that her udders have really started to swell, so I think the foal will be born sometime next week.