Thursday, 24 January 2008

A new Pick Up toy for Imogen

I don't have very much to say at the moment. The weather is awful - very wet - so nothing new there!
At puppy school Imogen is learning to pick up, however she refuses to carry any of the toys or dummies provided, yet at home she will carry and play with her rubber bones and dumbbell and sticks - the bigger the better - when she is out walking.
So look what I found in Tescos for a £1.00 - a frog for cats! I don't know why they thinks this is a cat's toy, it is too big and hard & any cat would probably be terrified of it. I bought it because it has a hard body which should prevent Fleur from killing it as soon as she gets hold of it, although it will only take her a few minutes to pull off the arms, legs and eyes. Imogen will get to play with it after Fleur has got bored of it. I am hoping with the material covering, that Imogen might want to pick it up and carry it - well that's the plan.