On Friday I looked out the Service Certificate that I received after Ruth was covered by the Dartmoor stallion Senruf Graduate and realised that had got my due dates wrong!!
I feel such an idiot. Ruth is due to foal at the end of this month - April 2007. So as you can see from the pictures taken this morning, her shape, udders and vulva have not changed too much from last week.
My excuse for getting the dates wrong is that I was so excited about the foal, that I didn't read the service certificate, because I knew the cover date. Fool. (Ruth aborted or absorbed the first embryo from her first cover, and that was the date I was working from.)
Hope you all had a Happy Easter weekend. I spent the time riding Bombay & Maud and digging up my garden, that is, moving flower beds etc as I'm laying foundations for a double kennel for my dogs. This is a mammoth project to do by yourself, but I'll get it done. Perhaps I could bore you with photos and text on that project?