Sunday at Wardhouse was the annual charity show. I entered Maud in the Tack & Turnout class, to be ridden by Rachael this time, as Stephanie rode her at the last show. I also entered Maud into the "Wobbly" Jumping class and the 50cm class, to be ridden by Pavla, who schools her twice a week for me.
To our delight,
Rachael and Maud were placed second in the tack & Turnout class. Maud was atrocious in
the wobbly jumping class - another learning curve for her, as she napped and wanted to join the other horses in the collecting area. But Pavla sorted her out and Maud did jump every fence, but she argued with Pavla at each fence. I think the fences were just too low for her. However, when it came to the second jumping class, Maud showed us all what she can do, as she raced round the course, jumping each fence with enthusiasm, but knocked one fence down. (I'll find out at some point this week if she was placed at all in this class) But at the end of the day, I was thrilled to bits with her performance and more importantly, her behaviour. Impeccable.
Stephanie and Rachael spent the rest of the afternoon riding Maud through the long grass at the other end of the show field, cantering and trotting about, just having a blissful time. Mum was with us and it reminded her of her days as a child, when you could just ride about with that freedom - Ah, happy days!
Although completely knackered at the end of the day, I think little Maud really enjoyed herself.