I haven't put up a blog for a long time once again!
In August, Chris's cousin was over from Australia with her husband Matt for her Father's funeral. They were in Britain for several weeks, infact, they have just arrived back home, but they came to stay at Tandlehill for a night. So you can imagine the panic I was in to clean the house and that is when I managed to drop a heavy glass bottomed bottle of room freshener into the bathroom baison and create such damage!

Still in unlucky mode - my Bullseye wellies need replaced. They have lasted about 5 years, but there is now a hole were the rubber has disintergrated and also the soles are so thin they are dangerous and I can feel every lump and bump I walk across.
Chris's birthday was at the beginning of September. Not an important birthday - that was last year. No "away day" this year, due to lack of funds. However our friends Duncan & Caroline invited us to spend the weekend with them in their caravan in Tayvalloch. It was a double celebration, as it was their 10th Wedding Anniversary.
I have taken up the Blue Chip Challenge with Corrie. After 40 days on their product - Dynamic, I should see a marked improvement in her mobility. She is an old horse, and is becoming rather stiff in her neck and legs, so we'll see if this product does make a difference or whether it is just marketing hype.
I broke a tooth the other week, so I'm booked into the dentist next week to have it re-built using the expensive white stuff. I didn't go for the cheaper option, because that involved putting in pins etc and I would like to hold onto the real tooth for as long as possible, which I don't think I would achieve with the old fashioned metal + pin filling.
Still slogging away, trying to learn html and css and unfortunately, I've managed to mess up this page and loose a photo of Corrie. Ah well, practise makes perfect!