I've just got back from the MOT place with a red FAILED certificate for KLOD's MOT! She needs 4 new tyres!! I thought I had enough tred - you know the penny test - and the two front tyres were brand new in September - What's going on? Also the front suspension is loose, which of course means a new front suspension thingy, and just my luck, the friendly mechanic next door decided to go on holiday today for a week, so I'm having to pay over the odds for the suspension bits!!! I'm SO cheesed off!!!!!
I seem to have thrown so much money at this car already this year, that it may be time to get rid of her. The only problem is that I like her. I like driving her and she is the right size for me, the dogs, and the weekly shopping of horse feed and bails of hay. Also, she holds the road extremely well.
So what car to choose. The Alfa's CO2 banding is horridly high, making the road tax a little excessive, but what is there that is similar to the Alfa? The BMW Series 1 (what ever model) is over priced, so that car is out of the equation- and they are not as good looking. The Italians do know how to design good looking cars, the Germans did a strange copy, as did some other manufacturers after the 147 came out. Oh Dear!
FOR SALE: F.A.F ALFA ROMEO 147 2.00T offers - 5K