I'd just like to thank James for emailing the pictures of Chris working on my car at the weekend & for my sister for taking them.
So whilst Chris & James were stripping the engine of the Alfa, I moved the last two tons of scalpings into the kennel site. A job well done I think! Just need to hire a whacking plate then order up the concrete then that will be it, the footings completed. Now I'm getting inpatient to finish the job, and looking forward to seeing the kennels up and the dogs sun bathing in the runs. I had to nip home to let them out for a pee this afternoon, and felt very sorry to have to lock them back in the house on such a beautiful day..... soon, soon.
I have had to extend the hire of the little rented car until Thursday. I am hoping that my car will be back on the road by then, but it depends on the availability of the parts still required. eg 8 x pistons, a new gasket etc. I have the 8 bent pistons sitting on my kitchen table. They are quite cute looking things, so I think I'll make up a wind chime.
Talking about making things. I have made a window box using the spare off cuts of wood I had left over from the kennel footings. I've stuffed the box with Lavenders and pink Dianthus to add some cheer to the roadside. Apart from moving two tons of stone, I had a busy weekend, what with riding the horses, making a window box, cutting the grass and cooking for Christopher, I'm exhausted and next weekend is going to be hectic, but I'll talk about that later.