Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Party, Party, Party untill it's 2012

Happy New Year + Best Wishes for 2012.

Chris and I had a fantastic break over Christmas. Everyone has been so kind and generous. Every day we were out either to lunch or dinner. The weather on the other hand, was absolutely horrendous with torrential rain and high winds for almost two weeks. More slates came off my roof. I rode out once with Jacqui on Christmas Eve and not again until this Sunday just past - we got soaked!

So all this gallivanting you would think I had lots of pictures - Oh dear, although I took my camera everywhere I forgot to use it! So I only have a few pictures of our outings and NONE of Christmas Day. Shame on me.

I managed to get all my presents made on Christmas eve, but did some frantic sewing on Christmas Day morning! Must try and remember to take photo of my efforts and post them. 

Our Boxing Day night dinner went well, all the food was eaten, but I did have some rice left over which I gave to the dogs and hens the next day. As you can see from the first picture, my brother got a gigantic chainsaw from Dad and Mum, which I think has been in constant use last week as so many trees have fallen down.

A few days later it was my 50th birthday. I had organised a walk round the Greenock cut, but the road was washed away along with two bridges, so plan B was a walk up Brisbain Glen in Largs. On the day, my family and a few brave friends and loads of dogs joined me to walk only as far as the Needle! Lizzy and Alastair met up with us in the car park, but had other things to do! The weather was just atrocious! We laughed, struggled to breath and got very, very wet and very cold. When we returned to the car park, it was decided to go into Nardini's for coffee and heat! We did have our picnic but at Tandlehill in front of the fire!

I had a absolutely brilliant day.

For Hogmanay, Chris and I had dinner at Michael and Bozena's, along with Mum and Dad. Michael is a very good cook, and he produced two legs of lamb, which just melted in your mouth. After dinner, all the dogs, cats and kittens were allowed to join the party - bedlam but fun.

I'm puffed out!