All this beautiful powder snow just makes everything so festive, but apparently it is due to disappear by the end of the week, which means RAIN -ugh!!
The picture of my hat filled with snow above, was the result of taking the dogs for a 20 minute walk yesterday afternoon. We were all caked in snow - just fabulous, I love it. The Dartmoors were a bit bemused, especially Bazil, who was a little fresh and Maud too. They seemed a little spooked by the way familiar objects had changed shape under a blanket of snow, when I brought them in last night for their tea. The other two were cool.
Mum is taking all the family to the Pantomime on Hogmany again this year at the Kings Theatre to see Aladdin. I don't plan to take Maud to the Ne'er Day meet this year, in fact I don't have much planned for the holidays other than doing "stuff" which really ought to be done!
Merry Christmas & best wishes for New Year 2010