It has been a long time since I last put up any pictures. I have been rather busy, and as for taking photographs, this past month I have been put off taking any as it has rained nearly every day!
The above pictures of the Dartmoors were taken last night after they had finished eating. I really only get to see them and the horse in the dark these days, due only to the time of year. I can't wait until the days grow longer. Mind you, having said that I may just become more depressed when I can see the state my garden is in!
Today I noticed that the pupil of my left eye was larger than my right, so I booked an appointment with an optician to have it checked out. You can see from my last post, that my left eye was the one I landed on when I fell off the horse. I'm delighted to say that there is no long term damage done, just head trauma, which will hopeful heal in time. Although it was suggested that I also get checked out by the Doctor too.
Two weekends ago, Spike Multimedia went up to Perth to film the SFL Challenge Sup Final between St. Johnstone F.C. and Dunfermline Athletic F.C. This year it was really rather a good game. In the past these games tend to go into extra time and penalties, but this year it was goals a plenty and alot of misses. St. Johnstone won 3 - 2.
Last Sunday I went through to Edinburgh to the Scottish Horse Equine Event. This was a day of demonstrations by Ian Stark and Andrew Hamilton and others, who unfortunately I have forgotten their names! I stayed until after the second Ian Stark demo before going home. I think I learned something - not too sure just at the moment - but the man talking about what show judges look for in various breeds was most interesting. I'll come back and edit this section, putting in the names of the people giving the demos. There were plenty of good stalls at the show with some really good bargains. I came home with a purple "sparkly" head collar for Maud (see photo above) and a middle weight turnout rug for Corrie.
So I guess now it is time to concentrate on Christmas, but that will have to wait until next week or the week after when I will be able to make time for all the stuff I have to do and shopping - Oh, the list is endless...!