Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Where does the time go?

Monday, 12 November 2007
I'VE GOT A BLACK EYE - I fell off the horse.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Bazil is now six months old
Monday, 24 September 2007
Pavla and Peter's Leaving Party

Friday, 21 September 2007
Last weekend was a bit of a washout, in fact Sunday the rain was heavy and relentless - I didn't ride Bombay on Sunday - my car had a puncture, so I spent the morning at Kwik Fit, and read the papers whilst waiting for my tyre to be repaired. No work done on the kennels, I'm now beginning to panic that I'll never get it finished.
This weekend is going to be busy. I have an appointment with the vet for both dogs on Saturday morning. They require more metacam and I can't get anymore with out this visit! Then I will ride Bombay for an hour, as he has a event on Sunday and Mum would like the stuffing knocked out of him before she competes. Maud is also going to this training day, but she is only going to do some showjumping with Pavla - so I'll have her tack to clean on Saturday night before I go to Pavla's leaving dinner. (Pavla and Peter are heading back home to Prague on Tuesday.)
Sunday will be just as busy, providing moral support for Mum and help Pavla with Maud. Chris will be working, which I should probably be doing too. I'm in a bit of a spin at the moment, what with work, horses, ponies the dogs and in two weeks time I'm in London for a few days to film a conference and so I feel I'm a little out of control.
Monday, 10 September 2007
Totally Horsed Out!
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
My Window Box

I will have more to say after the weekend, what with Chris's Birthday "activity day" and Strathendrick Riding Club show on Sunday, to which I'm taking Bombay and Maud.
Monday, 3 September 2007
Alfa still off the road & the footings for the kennels are progressing
I'd just like to thank James for emailing the pictures of Chris working on my car at the weekend & for my sister for taking them.
So whilst Chris & James were stripping the engine of the Alfa, I moved the last two tons of scalpings into the kennel site. A job well done I think! Just need to hire a whacking plate then order up the concrete then that will be it, the footings completed. Now I'm getting inpatient to finish the job, and looking forward to seeing the kennels up and the dogs sun bathing in the runs. I had to nip home to let them out for a pee this afternoon, and felt very sorry to have to lock them back in the house on such a beautiful day..... soon, soon.
I have had to extend the hire of the little rented car until Thursday. I am hoping that my car will be back on the road by then, but it depends on the availability of the parts still required. eg 8 x pistons, a new gasket etc. I have the 8 bent pistons sitting on my kitchen table. They are quite cute looking things, so I think I'll make up a wind chime.
Talking about making things. I have made a window box using the spare off cuts of wood I had left over from the kennel footings. I've stuffed the box with Lavenders and pink Dianthus to add some cheer to the roadside. Apart from moving two tons of stone, I had a busy weekend, what with riding the horses, making a window box, cutting the grass and cooking for Christopher, I'm exhausted and next weekend is going to be hectic, but I'll talk about that later.
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Bazil now over 15 weeks old
Monday, 20 August 2007
Still Building the Kennels
What a lot of rain we had on Saturday, it was relentless. As you can see the hole where the foundations of the dog's kennels filled up with water which made digging very difficult and wet! Progress on the site is slowly taking shape, but I don't think the platform for the kennels will be ready at the end of this month.
On Saturday my car died a death. Luckily, I hadn't gone anywhere, I'd just started the car to go shopping when the engine cut out. I phoned the AA who sent a man out to fix the car and he told me that the timing belt had gone and I may have caused hundreds of pounds worth of damage! That's the heating oil money gone... oh well, I guess I need the car more than the oil, I can just put another jumper or fleece on when it gets cold. After all, I survived last year after Christmas with no heating and I didn't have any in my last house. I'm just getting old and soft!
My brother in law just happened to phone Chris on Saturday night because I had canceled going to the Irvine Riding Club show on Sunday and he wanted to know what was wrong. Chris told him and the next thing I knew, he and J had arranged to try and repair the car. So on Sunday morning he came over with my sister and the girls and we had a breakfast party whilst my car was being stripped down. All good fun.
So this week I had planned to hire a small car. I got a lift into work from Dad, intending to hire a car this afternoon, but guess what? I'm such a pea brain, I forgot to bring my driving license with me!!
Monday, 13 August 2007
The kennels are one tiny step closer to being built. I have 10 tons of type 1 stone sitting in my yard and 26 planks of wood, to to make the base. I did cut the wood to size yesterday - so that is the tiny step! Chris did try to help, but unfortunately his back gave out and that was the end of his contribution. The hole at the moment is like a large swimming pool, which was all too exciting for Imogen - paddle in the pond or in the footings ... decisions, decisions.
I rode Little Maud on Saturday. What would normally be a one hour hack on the horse took us two hours! My legs were very stiff and rather sore when I dismounted. I have to ride the pony with very short stirrup leathers because being 6 feet tall, my heels wouldn't make contact with her sides. On Sunday I did the same circuit on Bombay, but rode out with Jacqui and managed to catch up with all her chat.
The foal was 14 weeks old on Saturday. He is getting bigger and more independent. The battery for the electric fencing has gone flat and whilst it is being recharged, Bazil escapes into the big field and grazes quite happily with Corrie. Ruth seems quite cool with this set up and luckily stays in her fenced off paddock, if she didn't she would be the size of a house, and the foal pops backwards and forwards to visit his Mum for a drink and a cuddle!
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
A brilliant day at Border Union and a great weekend

Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Practise for Border Union Show

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Building the kennels - one step closer to completeion!

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Friday, 22 June 2007
Holiday Heads

Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Maud is a STAR again!

Monday, 18 June 2007
Wardhouse Charity Show

Friday, 15 June 2007
First check up from the Vet

Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Kennels, Gardening and Plants
Yesterday, I hired a mini digger for the middle of July to do the heavy work for me and also to save my back! Just got to order the scalping, sand & cement, a mixer and a whacker plate and the job will be finished, ready for the kennel people to erect the kennels. Sound so easy!!
Chris phoned on Sunday night saying that the angels have looked down onto his garden and given him a new plant to cover the rotting concrete path. The picture of the green plant which has sort of lilac coloured blue pompoms on it has spread to about a yard wide (it is not wild scabious). However, I do think it was a bird dropping and not the angles that planted it there!
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Up Date on Bazil
Monday, 4 June 2007
St. Lillius Day

Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Bank Holiday Weekend
Thursday, 24 May 2007
My beautiful car failed it's MOT today

Tuesday, 22 May 2007
13 days old, and another sunny morning for Bazil
Cut the grass in my garden on Sunday, which took several hours, but I'm still no closer to finishing the footings for the dog kennels due to rain and work, but I'll have to get a move on. (my plants are suffering.)
Friday, 18 May 2007
Imogen gets Bronze!

Imogen on the other hand is a bit of a dafty and really enjoys puppy school, but next week is the last class for the summer. Anne is running field trail training which I think I'll enroll Imogen for. She really enjoys the classes and is stimulated by them, so much so that she comes home on a complete high, buzzing for about an hour, jumping over the furniture, whizzing round the dinning room table etc, etc. Fleur & I just keep well out of the way until she drops from exhaustion!
That's the plan ....
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Maud's First Show
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Rain on Bank Holiday Monday
In true bank holiday style, the weather was awful! That is it poured with rain and was very cold. Actually the day before when I was out riding Bombay, we got caught in a hail storm - rather nasty!
Monday was my first show of the season, and I had decided to take Bombay and little Maud to the Spring Show at Easterton Sables, which gave me an awful lot of work to do in one night - plating and grooming and cleaning tack for two animals. But I got it done.
This was Maud's first show ever, ......
OOPs, I have to go to work now down at Ibrox. Chris is making a programme on Dado Prso, so I'd better go and I'll finish this note soon.
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Early Saturday morning, Ruth gave birth to Basil. I checked Ruth on Friday night to see if there were any signs of the foal, and she looked, behaved and felt the same as she did that morning and the night before! So as you can imagine I got a big surprise, but Ruth's surprise was bigger - she was completely stunned if not a little bewildered by this little fellow, but very protective.
So my weekend plans changed. I didn't go to the one day seminar on the welfare of the Native Pony, as I had my own Native to worry about. I phoned to cancel my place, then phoned the vet to do a "check" on both Ruth and the foal. All is well with Ruth, and the placenta was intact, but the foal had a bit of a weepy eye which was looked at carefully to see if there was any scratch or other damage. Nothing was visible, I was just to keep an eye on it. I was greatly concerned early on Saturday morning, because I didn't think he was getting any milk when he was trying to suckle, but today is day 4 and he is getting enough milk at the moment and his eye is getting better.
However on Sunday I phoned for the vet again because he hadn't passed anything and appeared frustrated, so the vet gave him a mild enema and Basil is bouncing around for fun.
Ruth is very protective of her foal as I've said, but she is aggressively so, which is upsetting me, however I'll contact the stallion owner for advice. And so my troubles begin .. a Colt foal ... I will have to be very strict with him to ensure good manners. At the moment his head is so small that the smallest foal slip we found will just fall off him, so that is not such a good start.
Anyway, must rush home to let the dogs out, and bring Ruth & Basil in for the night as they have been out all day.
Bank holiday Monday was another action packed equine day, but I write about that tomorrow.
The top picture shows Basil last night and the second picture was taken on Sunday night. I did take pictures of him on Saturday morning, but I used my telephone camera so not to disturb Ruth or the foal. (Thanks to James for taking the top picture & sending it to me.)