Tuesday, 11 May 2010

MAY 2010

Time has passed me by again! Not that the last few months have been uneventful, I think I've just been too lazy to update my blog, that and I'm addicted to twitter.

Christmas was the usual Christmas. The Panto on Hogmany was very good, thoroughly enjoyed the outing & dinner at the Tiffin Rooms afterwards was fabulous.

The last four months many things have happened, but at the moment I can only think of the most recent events. The first being my beautiful, 22 year old Irish Draught cross TB had to be put down after a episode of Colic on Monday 19th March 2010. Such a distressing situation for all, and nothing that could be done for her although we tried. My heart was breaking at the time, but I knew it was for the best - although that doesn't help ease the pain.
That same weekend, more emergency call outs to the Vet as Fleur was very ill with a pyometra. She was operated on the same Monday that Corrie was put down. She is getting better, but still lacks energy, although she has moments of acting the fool - an encouraging sign that she is on the mend, but it will take time. She still sleeps a lot, and is not keen to go walking any great distance - yet.
The Dartmoors have lice, (as did Corrie) and I have been treating them with some fearful stuff the vet ordered for me. I have to dress up like a spaceman to apply this stuff, which spooked young Bazil. The second dose was put on last week, and I'm still finding eggs in their coats. I'll just have to keep going until I can see no evidence of them. All brushes are soaked in insecticide and then washed after use etc - just such a pain, as I can't take them to any shows etc.
I'm fencing off a couple of acres to keep the Dartmoors off the grass. It is taking a long time to plant the stobs by hand, but with little spare money, it is the only way I can think of prevent them getting laminitis.
Bazil was 3 on the 5th of May. I can't believe my "wee" boy is that age already. He is a mono-orchid, so has not got stallion papers and because of this, he is not technically allowed to be shown. However, his education must continue, so although he can not enter any Society Star Shows, I shouldn't think small agricultural shows should cause a problem. He has been bitted, which he took with his usual laid back attitude however, I'll have to do some more work with him with the bit in, because he is becoming very rude and pushy. We have a few battles over the last few days, e.g. I want him to come for his tea, and he decides he wants to stay where he is! (mare in another field in season) He has to come in to eat as I have him on AloEquine, which I'm hoping will help prevent his sweet itch. He has been on the aAoe Vera gel for 3 months now and so far, so good.