Friday, 6 February 2009

Yipeeee .... I love snow!

I just love the snow!
On Monday after work, what a brilliant time the dogs and I had sledging at Tandlehill. Fleur was SO excited by the whole experience and Imogen was as usual bemused. We had about 4 to 5 inches of powder snow, which was lovely to fall of the sledge into, so no sore bottoms / faces or what ever! GREAT.
These pictures were taken after 9.30pm on Wednesday night. I couldn't resist going out again to sledge. This time the dogs were not so keen to join me on the sledge - as you can guess by the look of fear on Imogen's face! Fleur just wouldn't entertain it at all, but was just as excited. She was however, exceedingly useful as she insisted on carrying the sledge back up the hill - got her well trained - until she decided to run off with the sledge and snap off the front of it! English Bull Terriers - what can I say?
It has been quite a good week really. I got my "new to me" alfa back on Friday afternoon. Just waiting for a nylon thingy for a bolt and my radio to be repaired and that should be the end of the car saga after over three months!
Well it is Friday lunchtime and at the moment I'm still smiling and the snow is still on the ground. To be truthful, I don't want anymore snow this weekend, as last Sunday was the first time since before Christmas that I managed to ride Bombay. At the end of this month, I have entered him into a Riding Club dressage test again. Not entering Maud this time - too much work for a few minutes performing. Yes, okay, pure laziness.