Once again this year, Mum took all of us to the pantomime at the Kings Theatre in Glasgow on Hogmany. The cast this year were brilliant, Gerard Kelly has definitely found his calling, although I guess he has been watching too many Francie & Josie DVDs as he is slowly morphing into Rikki Fulton!
My nieces and nephew joined in the singing and dancing with gusto, in fact we all did apart from Dad! No surprises there then! After the show we went to the ground floor of the Rotunda for dinner, which was okay, the food wasn't that brilliant in my opinion, and got home in time for the bells.
Ne'er Day was spent at Gateside. The weather was very, very cold. A hard frost for several days ensured the ground was rock hard and so there was no hunting. However the hounds were there and the committee served tea & coffee, sausage rolls and cake in the village hall. The street was very busy with people. I think those who would have hunted that day came on foot instead.
I took little Maud to the meet - I guessed the hunt would be cancelled, but to continue her education, I wanted her there to be surround by hounds, people an little kiddies coming up from all angles to pat her. AS USUAL SHE BEHAVED PERFECTLY! I took her out round the roads for a hack and met no one, which surprised me - they must have all gone to the pub! After her hack, I put Maud back into the horse box, gave her a drink of water and a full hay net and went in to join the lunch party at Mrs Knox's.
The family all met up again at the Goldie's on the 4th January for lunch. It was great to see the other side of the family and the new additions - Fergus and Lucy. Although that was only last week, it seems such a long time ago.
Bombay is still a bit lame, or rather being very cautious of the "sore" leg. I haven't ridden him since before Christmas and am beginning to get withdrawal symptoms. Although I did ride Maud nearly every day over Christmas.
The holiday break was fantastic but too boring to tell!