Wednesday, 23 December 2009
December already!
Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Monday, 26 October 2009
The Royal National MOD - Oban 2009
Spike Media won the job of filming behind the scenes of this years Royal National Mod in Oban (9th to 17th October) through DaDa Events for An Comunn Gaidhealach. Our remit was to make short video clips of the event and put them up onto the Internet as quickly as possible during the week and to produce a promotional video, which Chris is now editing.
We had the most fantastic week, although the working day was very long, the weather was superb. ( it only drizzled with rain on Wednesday late afternoon / evening.) We met lots of warm, friendly people, and Oban not being too large a town, we met the same people over again. Donnie "Large" and his Californian troop must have been really tired of seeing us round every corner!
We heard beautiful Gaelic music and singing during the daytime competitions, and again in the evenings and also whilst walking along the streets. What a wonderful sound, and rather haunting at times.
Our over all impression of the what the MOD is all about is basically meeting people, partying and enjoying each others company for a week. The competitions are important, but by the evening the pressure is off and people relax and enjoy themselves by entertaining or being entertained by singers and musicians. Lots of dancing too.
Each day, Chris and I made time for an ice cream!
I enjoyed the Children's Mod, held at the beginning of the week. The talent of these young people is just amazing, whether they were singing, playing an instrument, or reciting poetry, the standard was so high.
One o'clock on Friday night or should I say Saturday morning, we were given permission to film Skerryvore at Skipinnish. I wished I wasn't working as I love dancing, but to honest, it was so late, well past my bedtime that I did have a bit of a sense of humour failure...oops. But the music these guys make it just brilliant and I am glad I heard some of their set.
The choirs gathering at the Corran Halls on Saturday morning made my spine tingle when they all started to sing, and I noticed a journalist standing next to me was unable to take any pictures as she was reduced to tears with the sheer emotion of the sound they were making. Honestly, it was extremely emotional.
We both had a great week and the help and support given by both An Comunn Gaidealach & BBC Alba staff was really appreciated. Thank you.
Thanks also to Angus at Skipinnish and to Daniel, Martin and the boys of Skerryvore for problem free filming and their patience.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
OOPS! I've had a bit of a smashing time ...

I haven't put up a blog for a long time once again!
In August, Chris's cousin was over from Australia with her husband Matt for her Father's funeral. They were in Britain for several weeks, infact, they have just arrived back home, but they came to stay at Tandlehill for a night. So you can imagine the panic I was in to clean the house and that is when I managed to drop a heavy glass bottomed bottle of room freshener into the bathroom baison and create such damage!

Still in unlucky mode - my Bullseye wellies need replaced. They have lasted about 5 years, but there is now a hole were the rubber has disintergrated and also the soles are so thin they are dangerous and I can feel every lump and bump I walk across.
I have taken up the Blue Chip Challenge with Corrie. After 40 days on their product - Dynamic, I should see a marked improvement in her mobility. She is an old horse, and is becoming rather stiff in her neck and legs, so we'll see if this product does make a difference or whether it is just marketing hype.
I broke a tooth the other week, so I'm booked into the dentist next week to have it re-built using the expensive white stuff. I didn't go for the cheaper option, because that involved putting in pins etc and I would like to hold onto the real tooth for as long as possible, which I don't think I would achieve with the old fashioned metal + pin filling.
Still slogging away, trying to learn html and css and unfortunately, I've managed to mess up this page and loose a photo of Corrie. Ah well, practise makes perfect!
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Another month has passed.

I have decided that it was time to update my personal website, as the site that is up at the moment is well out of date. I built the last one in Flash, which took me over a year to do!! But this time I am going to build it using html, and Oh, I'm in trouble there. Learning html is like learning a foreign language and I have always been a bit rubbish at that, but I'm determined. As usual, I have designed the pages for my new site in photoshop, and now have to figure out how they will look in html - not forgetting css!!!
This morning, although it was a beautiful morning, there was a sharpness in the air that said Autumn is on it's way. I never understand why the English always call August summer time, as it is the first month of Autumn. Never mind, the colours all around are gradually changing to burnt oranges and reds and I'm keeping an eye on my log pile! (Chris keeps putting on the fire, delighted that the wood is free. But I keep thinking Oi, wait until it gets cold before you burn away all the logs.)
I joined twitter the other week to help me understand what that is all about. I'm still not quiet clear of the concept, but a web guru suggested the only way to learn about it was to join - which i did. I dutifully put up a sentence or two each day, but i have to say, it has led me onto some interesting blogs - so the pain has been worth it - but it is a terrible time waster!
Now for an update on my animals. Maud is looking trim and in good nick. She had scratched huge holes in her coat whilst she was in her six week confinement and looked very scrappy, but with liberal doses of Skin So Soft rubbed into all her bald patches each day, her coat has grown in really quickly and looks perfect. The down side to laminitis is that both she and Ruth are in the starvation paddock, and they are both grumpy as hell. Two mares in a huff!
Ruth is loosing weight slowly, but she is looking really good. I had planned to take her to North Ayrshire Riding Club show this Saturday, but I have run out of money. But I do plan to take her - I think it will be her - to Strathendrick RC Show in September, which is always the last show of MY season.
Oh, Bazil did a bunk out of the starvation paddock and is with Corrie. He is fat, rude and suffering sweet itch. Gosh, my beautiful boy looks awful. But I'm slapping on the skin so soft and it is making a difference where he has rubbed away big patches of his coat round his bum, but it will take a lot longer for his main to recover. (It is sad that he has rubbed away his main as the locals always referred to him as "the one with the hair!")
Corrie's bruised sole turned out to be a rather nasty abscess. So for weeks I had been soaking her leg in warm water and Epsom salts to draw away the infection. She is sound again, but like the others, she requires the blacksmith to check her out. On the other hand, her lameness gave me the opportunity to practise my horse handling / whispering skills that I learned from one of Kelly Marks books on catching a horse that didn't want to be caught. Trying to join up with a large horse in a 12 acre field is not funny, but because she was very lame with the abscess, she couldn't run too far away. Brilliant - it works & now she lets me wander up to her with head collars and ropes, put them on her, walk her around, faff about with her and she doesn't "bugger off" using all her strength to get away from me like she used to. Brill, brill, brill!
Old chook is still alive and laying. She seems happy enough being on her own, but I think I'd better get her a friend before the winter comes as they will help keep each other warm.
The dogs are fine. Fleur had the runs big time a few weeks ago due to eating nasty things at my mother's house and did require to go to the vet for some medicine, but with in a few days she was back to her happy laughing self. Took Imogen and Fleur to Fennick Agricultural show last weekend at Rowallan to the doggie show. Wow, what a lot of screaming kids and barking dogs that my two were completely bemused by the whole affair. I entered them into three classes - the dog the judge would like to take home - he didn't want either of my two, - the prettiest bitch - he didn't have an opinion about my two, - and finally in the pedigree working dog, including terriers - again the judge didn't think much of my guys, and we went home. Showing dogs is like showing horses, it is definitely a dark art. All the dogs i thought the judge would pick he didn't. He did seem to have a passion for obese Labradors though, so i eventually got some of the dogs in the line up correct, but I wouldn't place a bet in this sport! My guys hated their day out and were thrilled to be back home and running in the fields, hunting bunnies and mice.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
July 2009 - summer is here!

Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Horses & Politics

On Tuesday, we at Spike Media went to film the Socialist labour Party European Election Broadcast, which is always a pleasant job to do. We had a very tight deadline, which so far, with my nerves intact and only just, we have met, but we have used SO many tapes and couriers etc, I just hope people will vote on the 4th, especially women.
I have to say, the people we deal with in the Socialist Labour Party are delightful, and once again the weather was fantastic, which makes filming pick up shots easier. The sandwiches and cakes at the end of the day are always a bonus, so thank you Louise for organising that. A big thank you also to Ricky Tomlinson for giving us a copy of his autobiography, called "Ricky", a generous gesture and appreciated.
Sunday was a day off from editing politics, and I went with my friend Jacqui to Glenbrae Riding Club Open Show. I spent Saturday night plating and making Mum's horse Bombay look wonderful, cleaning tack - again! And generally trying to get my act together for an early start in the morning.
The sun shone all day for us, and the horses coats gleamed. All was well. I had entered two classes, Riding Club Horse and Riding Horse. Eventually, when I was tacked up and ready to go, I felt the Bombay getting a bit excited, but didn't think any more of it as he hadn't been out and about for a while. Got into the ring, and I could feel him coil up like a spring underneath me. I did think a smack on the bottom would settle him, but I also thought I could end up in the next county, so decided just to try and ride him out of this mood - he was exceedingly agitated. The photo above was taken a few seconds before he blew up and chucked me off!
The only excuse I can think of for Bombay's behaviour, which was totally out of character, was that he was reacting badly to pollen or whatever. He has an allergy problem which is exacerbated at this time of year.
Anyway, I didn't get back on board, as I thought he would repeat the performance and I had injured my shoulder when I landed on it. And to be truthful, I was a little shaken.
Jacqui and Annabel Lea had a wonderful day. They were placed first in the Veteran In hand class and forth in the Ridden class, which means they qualify for the Veteran's - whatever! Qualifying for the veteran's was he reason we were there in the first place. Annabel is 23 years old and looks much younger and her zest for life and work has not diminished.
Back to the PEBs, most of the English and the Welsh versions are being broadcast tonight. - Don't forget to vote on the 4th June!!
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Bank Holiday Weekend

English Bull Terriers - What are they like! Fleur joining us for a coffee break on Sunday morning! She obliviously needed a rest after working so hard with the horses all morning - she should try doing some work instead of being under my feet all the time. Anyway, she made me laugh!
On bank holiday Monday, Jacqui and I went to Easterton Spring Show. I had planed to take Mum's horse, but I discovered on Sunday evening when I went to "pretty him up" and plat his mane, that he had lost a shoe! (Second time in two weeks!) So I rushed back to M&D's and dragged Ruth out of the field, washed and brushed her and left her in the stable over night for the show in the morning.
Ruthie has not been worked since July two years ago, as she was away being covered last summer. Well, what a wee star she was. She did a really good show for the judge, of which I'm really proud of her, she moved well and stood still! (Ruth is such a fidget.) She was place first! Okay, there were only two entries in the Registered M&M class, but she was placed ahead of a welsh section A pony - that is SO unusual to have a Dartmoor ahead of any shape of Welsh Mountain pony. I'm just thrilled to bits that she did so well, and I mean with her manners and performance. Is she a contender for Border Union DPS star show this year?
Jacqui and Annabel Lee did very well in the Veteran Horse classes again this year, both in-hand and ridden, and were reserve champions. Annabel was a little stiff in her off front shoulder, but that didn't seem to interfere with her performance. As usual, Jacqui had her turned out beautifully and the horse looked stunning.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Monday, 20 April 2009
Ruth's 8th Birthday

Friday, 6 February 2009
Yipeeee .... I love snow!
Monday, 12 January 2009