I have been very amiss at keeping this blog up to date. In fact it almost three months since I last put up a post!
Christopher was 50 at the beginning of September - which gave us both a fright. I had no idea what to do for his Birthday. We usually do an away day, for example, last year we went trail riding near Lochgilphead and the year before we went to Peebles Mountain Biking. (which he hated!!)
This year however, Christopher chose to go to Liverpool for three days to watch La Machine's Spider make it's way through the city. The picture above shows just a very few photographs that we took, but most of them show that it rained.
We stayed in an superb apartment which had a fantastic view over the city, looking towards the Liver Buildings, and was situated a street away from the main thoroughfare of the City. I have to say, even though we were permanently soaked to the skin all weekend, we had a brilliant time. The people were friendly and the food was delicious and plenty, and I would thoroughly recommend a visit to Liverpool.
What else happened in September? I'm racking my brains to remember..... My beautiful foal Bazil, scratched away his fantastic main and a lot of his body coat as well, as he suddenly became Wheat and Barley intolerant. Now he looks like a scabby mongrel. I'm hoping that by next spring his main will have grown back and he will be a stunning looking pony once again.
I brought Ruth (Bazil's Mum) back from Devon also in September. She is incredibly fat and getting bigger by the day. Her new foal is due in April, but in the meantime, she is in good health and only slightly irritated by the foal moving about.