We had a good day regardless of what the judge thought and the pony learned a lot too, which is the most important thing for both of us. Taking my youngsters to small shows is a vital part of their education, and that is why I do it.
My gripe is that I just wish there were classes for Welsh Mountain Ponies only at every show and classes for all other Natives which are not Welsh Mountain Ponies. You just don't get a chance. However, this time the judge did look at the other native ponies entered into the class, but most of the time I have to say they don't bother!
I went down to Devon last weekend to collect Ruthie from stud. I have put her to the same stallion as before - Senruf Graduate. This time I'm hoping Ruth will have a filly, but I don't really care as long as it is healthy and survives that is all that matters. We had a lovely weekend away. We took my niece with us as she was very keen to see around the stud and have never been to Devon before. She could have been anywhere the night we arrived as it was pouring with rain, we couldn't see a thing! We stayed at the local Inn and had dinner with a small group of friends, which was great, as I don't know when I'll see them again.
Ruth travelled safely back up to Scotland and took a couple of days to settle back in with the herd at home, although she instantly hooked up with Bazil. Now everything is back to normal, and I just struggle to fit all the animals and work and Chris into my daily routine! Hey-ho!