Thursday, 24 January 2008

A new Pick Up toy for Imogen

I don't have very much to say at the moment. The weather is awful - very wet - so nothing new there!
At puppy school Imogen is learning to pick up, however she refuses to carry any of the toys or dummies provided, yet at home she will carry and play with her rubber bones and dumbbell and sticks - the bigger the better - when she is out walking.
So look what I found in Tescos for a £1.00 - a frog for cats! I don't know why they thinks this is a cat's toy, it is too big and hard & any cat would probably be terrified of it. I bought it because it has a hard body which should prevent Fleur from killing it as soon as she gets hold of it, although it will only take her a few minutes to pull off the arms, legs and eyes. Imogen will get to play with it after Fleur has got bored of it. I am hoping with the material covering, that Imogen might want to pick it up and carry it - well that's the plan.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

OH NO. Look What the storm has done!

I said in my last post which I updated yesterday that I would put up another post if I had anything interesting to say. I didn't think I'd be posting another picture so soon.
Last night we had gale force winds of up to 80 to 90 miles an hour! I have lost a few slates off the roof and branches from some of the trees, but the most damage has been done to my hen shed. I did panic in case my old birds were dead or had been blown away, but thankfully, they were there at the fence waiting for breakfast and seem just a little bewildered.
The shed looks as if has been blown up from the inside, and requires a lot of rebuilding. I am taking the rest of the day off to go home and try and rebuild the shed so that my hens have somewhere to shelter tonight as the hailstones are chucking it down as I'm writing this.

Thursday, 3 January 2008


Happy New Year, and best wishes for 2008.
Well the New Year started with rain, but by the third day we had a smattering of snow - all very festive and embracing. This is not the most flattering image of Imogen, but whizzing in the snow is such fun - you can tell what Fleur thinks! This is the morning the holidays ended and going back to the humdrum of everyday life started again, so the snow cheered me up while it lasted.
We really enjoyed the time off during the holidays. We were out for lunch or dinner every night bar one and met up with friends and relatives. It is great to catch up with people, especially if you only see them once a year. I was truly spoiled with the number of presents I received over Christmas and my Birthday. Some were absolutely fantastic and some were bazaar, for example a plastic arm! (which really upset Fleur) Ah well, I know I'm loved!
I'm not going to bore you with "what I did in my holidays", so I'll sign off now, and put up another post when something interesting and worth writing about happens. Ah, Ah!