Tuesday 16 August 2011

Bathroom wash hand basin finally replaced

At last, Chris and I have replaced the bathroom wash hand basin I managed to smash way back in August 2009!

I decided on Friday night that I MUST remove the insipid pinky grey splash back tiles. So I made another trip to B&Q on Saturday morning and bought two boxes of their basic white tiles, and a couple of hours later ... job done.

Ah, but we're not finished doing the plumbing yet as you can see! A bit of a problem fixing the waste pipe to the U bend because the new basin is a different size, i.e. it protrudes further from the wall than the previous basin and has pushed the waste pipe so it sits at an angle and water seeps through the joint - hense the bucket!

Guess where we are going this afternoon? B & Q again. We have been to that store every day for about a week as one problem after another arises.

I suppose with all this DIY, I'll have to remove the ghastly 1980s lino from the floor, paint the walls, and generally have a tidy up in the bathroom. Oh, and remove a most horrid grey plastic vanity thingy from the wall next to the basin. ugh!

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