Sunday 13 May 2007

Rain on Bank Holiday Monday

With all the excitement of Bazil arriving last Saturday and work, I didn't have the time to write about my equine escapades on Bank Holiday Monday.

In true bank holiday style, the weather was awful! That is it poured with rain and was very cold. Actually the day before when I was out riding Bombay, we got caught in a hail storm - rather nasty!

Monday was my first show of the season, and I had decided to take Bombay and little Maud to the Spring Show at Easterton Sables, which gave me an awful lot of work to do in one night - plating and grooming and cleaning tack for two animals. But I got it done.

This was Maud's first show ever, ......

OOPs, I have to go to work now down at Ibrox. Chris is making a programme on Dado Prso, so I'd better go and I'll finish this note soon.

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